Mavlana Celaleddin Rumi

Rumi Episode 5

Mavlana Celaleddin Rumi Episode 5 English subtitles

The episode is titled “Instability” at the beginning of the episode. That is, we will see something unsettling of Hüdavendiger in this episode.

As we see at the beginning of the episode, Hüdavendiger suddenly wakes up and runs to Siraj’s house. And asking him? what happened That crazy was there, wasn’t it? Tell me the full details? The sound of that flute? you tell me everything And with great restlessness Hüdavendiger was speaking these things to Siraj. Siraj reveals everything to Hüdavendiger. He remembered Siraj’s words, he saw someone who looked like him with him. And she was telling him to find the words. And be a student if necessary. To become like Mohammed if necessary.

Then Hüdavendiger came to his dargah, he came to the dargah and saw that madman was in the dargah. Hüdavendiger saw him, began to ask him, where have you been? Was I worried? Then the madman said: I was on the mountain, I was feeding my animals, but suddenly a snake attacked, the snake did not follow my animals. My animal has run away. The snake followed me.

I came running. And the madman suddenly began to say, There are snakes outside the door, there are snakes outside the door, they’ve come, they’re after you, Hüdavendiger, not for me. Hearing his words Hüdavendiger got a little scared and opened the door, as soon as he opened the door he saw many snakes outside the door of his dargah. He closed the door in fear, after a while there was a lot of noise at the door, then he opened the door and saw that it was the man who wanted to humiliate Hüdavendiger by questioning him in front of the Sultan in the palace.

Meanwhile, Baiju Nayan’s strong attack has left the fort somewhat shaken, but the commander of the fort vows not to hand over the fort to him, but Dubhuni is the one who betrayed him. When he set the gunpowder on the wall and set it on fire, the wall flew away and broke. Through which the entrance to the fort becomes very easy.

And Martian soldiers entered the fort and killed everyone inside the fort. And the commander of the castle who is imprisoned, before killing Baiju Nayan asks, What is your last wish? The commander of the castle said, my last wish is to pray! Then the commander of the fort offered prayers in front of Baiju Nayan and Mangal forces. And then the commander of the fort was killed. And the commander of the fort attained the high rank of martyrdom.

Meanwhile, Omar left Konya with 5,000 soldiers. The whole town gave them a welcome on their way out, and Omar Hüdavendiger took a blessing from it.

While coming from there, some businessmen asked Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, we are in doubt about a matter? Want to buy large quantities of shoes from us? Can we sell them? Then Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi said: It will strengthen them, it is better not to sell it. But you businessmen, if you do not sell, how? So I suggest you to sell the leather to Ertugrul Gazi instead of making shoes. Because he has a horse business, he needs leather.

A dervish is running to that madman, if a person asks who is the dervish? What is the reason for this crazy run? Then he said: He wanted to take a bath, I gave him the things, but now he is broken. When the madman is trapped he says: I don’t feel like taking a bath now, I feel cold so I won’t take a bath now. And he says where is the man of Hüdavendiger? call him Then Hüdavendiger’s son said: I am his son tell me. Then the madman said: Why you? Call him, he is my top, I am his guide. Originally this madman was very wise. more

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