Alparslan Episode 39 English Subtitles
Alparslan Episode 39 English Subtitles
Is Chari Bey dead or is she still alive? The series, which hit screens with its 39th volume on Monday, December 12, has been a scene of great excitement with every episode. Loved the scene with Seferiye Hatun and Alperslan Bey in volume 39. While the Chagri Ber attack left its mark in the last episode, it raises the curiosity of what will happen in the 39th volume.
So what will be the final volume?? Then keep reading.
They planned, wounding Besasiri Chagri Bey and managed to attract Alperslan Bey. Alperslan Bey, who went to Sultan Turlu to talk about Inal Bey, turned his direction towards Besasiri when he heard the news that Chagri Bey was dead and trapped by Besasiri after a fierce battle.
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 39 English Subtitles
So how to get rid of Alp Arsalan Bay Besiri? Will those who want to save Alperslan Bay reveal their identity? Upon learning that Alperslan Bey has been captured, will Seferye immediately step in and try to save her?
When Grigor learns that Alperslan Bey has been captured, he steps in and meets with Besasiriri. What are Gregor’s plans for Alp Arsalan Bay? Will he leave it to Besasiri, or will he take it on himself? On the other hand, Sultan Turul came to Vaspurakan and told Inal Bey that he himself would decide to take Vaspurakan. However, the naphtha dumped by Inal Bay changed things.
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Inal Bey, who will begin to take the first steps on his wooden walk with OK Hatun, will try to provide what conditions to realize his ambitions? Will Inal Bey know that Alperslan has been captured? Will Inal wait for his biggest obstacle to disappear, or will he make a move to save Alperslan Bey?
So far we have known many questions and answers, now we will move to the review.
At the beginning of the volume we see that the priest Alp agrees to leave the city with Arsalan Bey. Before leaving the castle, the Sultan said that Alperslan’s decision to marry Seferiye was very correct. While Akinaya Hatush is talking to the Sultan, a soldier arrives and says that Chagri Bey has been seriously wounded. The Sultan immediately made preparations to proceed to the Marv settlement.
Kayifamily TV Alparslan Episode 39 English Subtitles
While Altunkan Hatun was on his way to the palace, the car got stuck in the mud somewhere in the forest. A soldier rescues the chariot. Altunjan Hatun congratulated the soldier and took him to the palace. Seferia Hatun goes to the dungeon and asks her father to accept the punishment. Yusuf Inal gets very angry with his daughter and tells her that she has chosen the wrong side. Seferia Hatun starts arguing with her father and says she just wants to save her life.
And in this direction Besasiri came after waiting for a while in the forest of Tekfur. Seferiza sees some of Hatun’s soldiers coming and attacks them. After talking to Inal, Besasiri changes his plan and thus saves his life. Seferia Hatun interrogates her captured soldiers, but learns nothing from them. Tefur approaches the cage with the priest and starts shouting in front of Alperslan. Alperslan Bey wakes up and takes Tekfur’s hand.
Kayifamily Alparslan Episode 39 English Subtitles
Grigor realizes that there are spies among his soldiers and immediately retreats to the castle. On the way to Alperslan Bay Vaspurakan, Seferia meets Hatun. Tekfur returns to the city and begins to marshal his troops. The priest calms down Tekfur and pleads not to harm the innocent. Besassiri blames Alexander, but cannot convince Tekfur. Alperslan Bey goes to Marv settlement with his wife and meets his father.
Alexander says he’s worried about Flora’s life, but her father calms him down. Tekfur says he will send Besasiri to Surmari and tells his son to go to the fort. Batius secretly began to follow the priest. Sultan Turul tells Suleiman Bey to stop talking to Flora. Some bandits attack Altunjan Hatun’s car, but a soldier saves his life.
What will happen in the next volume? So how to get rid of Alp Arsalan Bay Besiri? Will those who want to save Alperslan Bay reveal their identity? Upon learning that Alperslan Bey has been captured, will Seferye immediately step in and try to save her? What about Altuzan Hatun? Scroll down and watch the subtitles to get answers to all these questions.
Alparslan Episode 39 English Subtitles
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