Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 34 English Subtitles
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 34 English Subtitles

Assalamu Alaikum how are you all? Hope you are well and healthy by the grace of Allah. Today we are going to discuss Alp Arsalan Buyuk Seljuklu Volume 33. What happened in this volume? So we will try to understand briefly here. The volume on my mu was very cool and beautiful. So why delay reading?
We see Tekpur’s son and Alp Arsalan Bey at the beginning of the volume, advancing on horseback with Alp. And then the scene cuts and then we see Tekpur saying I didn’t know Flora was coming. And then I heard the spy say, “Unfortunately, Effendi.” And then again we see Tekpur getting news of his daughter, and then he is heard asking if there is any news of his daughter. And the soldier who brought the man with him says. His daughter is with Yusuf.
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 34 English Subtitles
We ended our scene here. As far as we understand, it is clear who will take the girl first. And the second scene is going to be very exciting. And to know the answers to these questions you must see the volume or you must read our brief discussion. So why delay, let’s go to the second scene.
And then we see Yusuf Bey holding a knife to Tekpur’s daughter’s throat in the 2nd scene. the girl says I don’t know them, leave me alone. But Yusuf Bey says, he wants blood. And then the scene cuts and we see that Tekpur Inal has come to the outer room. And Inal Bey said we are going get ready Inal Bey we are going.
And then Inal Bay asked, where? And then Tekpur says you will see if you go, hurry up. And then the scene cuts again and we see an exciting scene.
On one side our Alp Arsalan Bay is advancing and on the other Tekfur. And then it can be seen in the scene of Tekfur. Does our Inal bey say Tekpur k you know I am not safe outside Dug Alp Arsalan has followed me why are we here? And then Inal Bay asked Tekfur again why you haven’t told us where we are going.
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 34 English Subtitles
And then we see Tekfur’s daughter with Yusuf out next to them. And he shouts father. But our Yusuf Bey keeps his mouth shut and tells Tekpur’s daughter to shut up. And says I have ruined your reputation Inal, and now it is the turn of my enemy Inal to die. And this brings Tekfur’s daughter to the front of the path. Khlaya stole and continued to speak. Stay where you are. I will kill your daughter once again. And here is some more conversation. And this moment is very important so let’s see what happens!
We come to a critical moment in this scene. What’s going to happen!? And we will get the answer to these questions in the next scene 3rd scene so let’s see what happens. And I will tell you that you won’t get the full idea by reading the reviews. So you must see the subtitles, I request you to see the subtitles from any server. So let’s discuss why the delay is 3rd.
And we see in the next scene that Inal Bey says what is going on Tekfur? And on this side, Yusuf Bey is threatening to kill Tekfur’s daughter. And Tekfur Yusuf Bey says you leave my daughter, Yusuf. And to our Inal Bey Yusuf, you are a shameless person. And then Tekpur again said to Yusuf Bey, you are calling your death Yusuf. And then Yusuf Bey said to Tekpur, you kill my enemy Inner and I will give you your daughter. And that’s when the voice impression appears on Inal Ber’s face. And Yusuf Bey also says that if he does not kill Inal Bey, then Yusuf Bey will kill his daughter.
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 34 English Subtitles
And here our third scene is completed. Remained in the previous question. We hope to get all the answers in the fourth movie. What is going to happen Tekpur will kill Inal Bay. Can Alp Arsalan Bay arrive at the right time!? Many more questions come to our mind and we must look at the volume to get answers to these questions. So why delay, check out subtitles from any of the servers below. And why the delay then let’s go to the fourth scene.
We see in the fourth scene that Tekpur steals Inal out of the room and calls Inal Bey. Inal Bay Finally our deal ends here. I could not protect you because my daughter’s life is more important than yours. Whenever Inal will stick a knife in the throat …. And then! Our Alp Arsalan Bay arrives. And Tekpur kept saying, be careful Tekpur don’t do this.
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 34 English Subtitles
And kept saying otherwise I will kill you. And then Tekpur says you are giving me mouth in my land!? And what is going to be so complicated at this moment!? Let’s see what happens if we go into this scene with a lot of panic. And then Alp Arsalan Bay said Tekpur, you will kill the owner of Seljuk and survive? And in these events we see a different scene.
We see our Alp Arsalan Ber holding the hand of the spy Alpagut Tekpur. And Tekfur says Alpagut….. And here we think there is going to be a war and our Alpagut that spy will understand. But here it does not happen we see the opposite. And then we hear Alpagut saying we have such a big plan are you here to play with the Seljuks like this!? Stop Techfur….
You must watch the volume below to find out what’s to come. Then why don’t you watch it now? And our discussion ends here. And we will get to the questions we have encountered here in this volume.