Teskilat Episode 81 Season 4 English Subtitles
Teskilat Season 4 Episode 2 English Subtitles
Watch Teskilat Episode 81 Season 4 with English subtitles for free in UHD resolution and best Subtitles on OsmanOnline.

Teskilat Season 4 Episode 81 English
Believing that Zehra was alive, Ömer went after Zehra with the help of Derviş Baba in the Blagay lodge in Mostar. With the information he obtained in the meantime, Ömer realized the danger regarding a meeting held for the transfer of the peacekeeping command in Kosovo to Turkey.
As a result of the attack on the meeting, the head of the Balkan states organization was martyred, and Ömer crossed paths with Neslihan, a senior diplomat working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Watch Teskilat Episode 81 English Subtitles
While Neslihan was feeling the sadness of the martyr they lost, she suddenly took action to find out who was the person who appeared before her and saved her. When Ömer started looking for Zehra again after the attack, he came face to face with the fact that Zehra was dead.
While Ömer, who was in deep mourning, retreated into seclusion in the lodge, Neslihan learned that the structure behind the attack was the Company. The state decided to establish a team under the leadership of Neslihan to combat this re-emerging deep structure. While Neslihan quickly started her work, she wanted Ömer Atmaca to be the head of the team she would establish.
Ömer returned to Istanbul with the flag entrusted to him. Ömer came across his family and loved ones who thought he was dead, and after reconciling their longing with them, he formed a new team of patriots who each had different talents.